The War Within
One doesn’t have to be a current events genius to know there is war exploding right now all over our planet. However, there is a deadlier war raging—the one deep in man’s soul. It’s the war within. That’s the one you can do something about.
“‘You do not want to leave too, do you?’ Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life’” (John 6:67-68). Peter knew. Do you?
Are you trying to do everything yourself? Meet your need your way? Find peace and happiness your own way? Nothing and no one (including you) will ever be enough. It’s only through Jesus Christ that we ever find peace and contentment. Stop listening to the enemy’s lies. Learn this truth now: God has already paid the ultimate price for your salvation and your future by sending His Son to die for your sins. Furthermore, Jesus rose from the grave and is alive today. He is nearer than your breath. “What more could have been done for my vineyard than I have done for it?” (Isaiah 5:4). Absolutely nothing.
Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace to the war raging within you. He is the living Son of the living God and your answer to every question. Why walk another day in inner turmoil when there is a better way? You can settle this now by surrendering your life to Him. Send up the white flag. Believe in Him. Put your faith in Jesus Christ and invite Him into your heart and life. Give your life to Him. He wants you and He loves you in the middle of your mess and pain. When you do, then and only then, can you move forward.
I’m so glad I know Jesus, and I want to know Him better every day. We get to know Him by reading His book, the Bible. Psalm 119 is one of my favorites. Yes, it is the longest chapter in the Bible with 176 verses, and almost every single verse talks about the Word of God. In this chapter, the Bible is referred to as the law of the Lord, His statutes, His ways, precepts, decrees, commands, and word(s). “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law” (v. 18). He will do just that for you.
Everyone has a war within until they meet Jesus. Share Jesus with someone today.