Spiritually Healthy
December 17 — 2 Timothy 4:19–22; Hebrews 1:1–4:13 Watching a movie one time is enough for me. I don’t enjoy reading a book more than once either—every book, that is— […]
December 17 — 2 Timothy 4:19–22; Hebrews 1:1–4:13 Watching a movie one time is enough for me. I don’t enjoy reading a book more than once either—every book, that is— […]
Would you like to read the Bible cover to cover? Often that is our intention, especially at the beginning of a New Year. However, around mid-February we find ourselves drained […]
Worship Him like you really believe it! The Holy Spirit spoke this to my heart this morning in church while the praise and worship team lead the congregation in the […]
Jesus said only one thing is needful. What is that one thing? Do we still need it today? This story is found in Luke 10:38-42. Here it is in the […]
Teachableness is a worthwhile personal goal for this new year. Learning more of God’s Word and growing in relationship with my Savior hinges proportionally on the degree to which I […]
Welcome 2021! We are so glad to see you! Yes, we are! What will 2021 look like for you? Why not invite God to show up and show out in […]
It’s amazing to me how we read the Bible while wearing different glasses. I personally have a dresser drawer full of Bible reading glasses. My mood or interest at the […]
I respect when things are done in order according to plan. The opposite can be ridiculous, haphazard, and even dangerous. “Now, son of man, take a sharp sword and use […]
How can you say you believe the Bible cover to cover if you have never read the Bible cover to cover? Do you always accept another’s ideas and interpretations as […]