Rest, Fun, Celebrations, and Camping

Rest, Fun, Celebrations, and Camping

Rest, fun, celebrations, and yes, even camping!  Sounds like the best game plan ever!  And these were all God’s ideas from the beginning!  So why are they so elusive in today’s world?  Because some things just need to be planned and scheduled.

Take a look at Leviticus chapter twenty-three.  I know.  Leviticus?  Really?  But there’s a lot of good stuff tucked away in the Law.  The principles behind the laws are truths for our lives today.

Rest, fun, celebrations and going camping.  It’s all there.  I especially like the part when God says at least six times, “Do no regular work.”  Now, He doesn’t mean every day, but only on the Sabbath day of rest each week and on the festival/party celebrations, and when you go camping (Festival of Tabernacles).  Yes, holidays are God’s brain-child!

God likes rest and fun on certain days, but the rest of our week should involve that four letter word—w.o.r.k.  God made us, and He knows what we need more than we do.  Life works better when we follow God’s plan and design for life.  But you’ve never been camping and you don’t even like camping?  Have you ever slept on the living room floor with your child or grandchild under a tent of sheets and blankets supported by kitchen table chairs?  That qualifies as camping and fun in my book!

I am certain Jesus had fun times with His buddies as they walked along those dusty roads, went fishing, swam in the Sea of Galilee, and talked and joked around the campfire.  Why wouldn’t He?  He was 100% God and 100% human, and He is our example.

Workaholism is sinful and self-defeating.  Basically, it’s disobedience and will get us into trouble with our health—physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and yes, spiritually.  All work and no play will kill you, but so will all play and no work.  After all, the Bible says, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat” (2 Thess. 3:10).

Living this way requires balance and healthy margins in our personal life and in our family.  We should never feel guilty for resting as God designed.  In fact, God rewards obedience.

“Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess” (Deut. 5:33).

“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love” (2 John 6).

Therefore, plan ahead and schedule that Sunday afternoon nap and family fun time following church and an easy lunch.  Be intentional.  Ink in rest and celebration days on your calendar.  Take your family (or just your spouse) on a weekend playcation.  Get outdoors.  Go camping.  Laugh.  Play.  Enjoy life and re-energize.  No longer elusive, to rest is to obey God.