God’s Word tells us to search (John 5:39) and examine (Acts 17:11) the Scriptures and study to show ourselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15). There should come a time in every Christian’s life to begin self-feeding (1 Corinthians 3:2) and stop relying on others to stick a bottle in our mouth or spoon feed us. But it is so much easier to just take what someone else feeds us. It’s much faster and doesn’t require nearly as much effort or time on our part. However, sooner or later, God expects us to grow up. We must begin to take responsibility for our own spiritual growth and search, examine, and study Scripture for ourselves.
Does this principle apply only to our spiritual welfare, or should it carry over into other areas of our life as well? Again, it is easier to take what others say about a situation as truth without investigating for ourselves. In this highly visible and important election year, have you taken time to search out the facts for yourself, or have you let the words and opinions of others influence you?
There is a very real danger in adopting the opinions of others as our own without knowing all the facts. We allow someone else to control our thinking to accomplish their own agenda. We like our boat on calm waters and our belief system unshaken, so we agree and go with the flow. Have you allowed someone to do your thinking for you?
I wrote “Connections, Second Edition” to help people learn the art of self-feeding and assist them in reading the Bible completely through. I wrote “Mom, God’s Got This” to share the amazing story of my daughter’s life and death as well as God’s faithfulness and all-sufficient grace.
Then why all the swirling controversy around “Mom, God’s Got This”? It hasn’t even reached its official launch date of November 29! I simply obeyed God and wrote the story that no doubt will encourage many others on several different levels: from discovering and accomplishing God’s purpose for their lives as Jamie did, trusting God and His Word even when we don’t fully understand, and experiencing God’s miracle of turning mourning into joy. The story is about Jamie and the mighty God she served. God and Jamie are the main characters. It’s not about him, and he is not a victim.
One of the Founding Fathers of the United States and signer of the Declaration of Independence, Benjamin Rush, said this: “Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error.” And lest we forget, God uses anything and everything to accomplish His purpose and gain glory for Himself—even controversy.
I challenge you to purchase your own copy of “Mom, God’s Got This.” Read every word from front to back cover; then form your own conclusions. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but make sure it is your own. Get the facts. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Then we will sit down and have a conversation.