Karen’s Books

Karen’s books will inspire and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ and in your knowledge of the Bible and to fulfill God’s purpose for your life.  Her books teach people to be self-feeders of God’s Word. You will learn God’s grace is sufficient in all of life’s difficulties, that the Bible is true for us today, and that God is faithful to His Word.

“I remember thinking and verbalizing many times: I will never write a book—too much work!  That was my mindset until our older daughter, Jamie, was diagnosed with breast cancer in spring of 2011.  Then I knew there would be a book of Jamie’s divine healing, so I began taking notes extensively, continuing through Jamie’s illness and eventual untimely death at the age of 36.  I have always been a journaler, but now attention to every detail was critical.

“Writing Jamie’s biography proved more than I could deliver in those early months following Jamie’s transition into heaven.  Reliving the life and death of my daughter triggered far too many tears and made typing next to impossible.  So God said, “Write this book instead now and work on Jamie’s book later.” And that, my friends, is how “Connections” came to be—self-published first in 2014.

“I love the Word of God and have read the Bible completely through sixty plus times. The more I read it, the more I learn about the Almighty God and my loving Savior Jesus Christ, and the more I realize I need Him so much every day.  I don’t want to live a single day without His Word going deep into my heart, transforming me, and making me more like Christ.  I hunger for the heart of God and the mind of Christ.  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever in this ever-changing world.  His character, who He is, and His truths remain the same throughout the ages.  That in itself is so comforting to me.  Everyone should be able to read the Bible from cover to cover and begin to know the full counsel of God.”

Karen’s Christian books will be a great addition to your personal library.  Order today.

“Marriage in Every Book of the Bible”

Is marriage on your mind? Perhaps you’re engaged, or a newlywed, or a marriage pro—regardless—God’s Word contains all the information you need about how to have a godly and successful marriage.


$17.95 Click Here  or Amazon or B&N to purchase now.

“Mom, God’s Got This”

My thirteen-year-old daughter walked into the living room and sat down beside me on the sofa.  She was crying.  “Momma, I think God has called me to preach.  I had a dream and I saw a sea of people with black hair.  There were so many people crowded together, and they don’t know who Jesus is.”

I invite you to step into the very private heart of a mother and her daughter.  This is Jamie’s story—a story of courage and obedience, faith and doubt, heartbreak and disappointment, inner struggles and victories.  A young East Texas girl who followed God’s call to the other side of the world, Jamie loved the lost and those who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

Then why did she have to die?

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Through it all I have learned God’s grace is always sufficient and He is faithful to His Word.  While in our home the last ten weeks of her life, we walked with her through that valley of the shadow of death.  It was the most difficult, and at the same time, the most blessed time, for we saw God transition her from this life into everlasting life with Him.  What a precious Hope we have in Jesus!  Not only that, the Lord has also walked with me through this grief journey, transforming my sorrow into joy.

Book Review by Attorney Robert Flournoy:  “I had the privilege of reviewing Jamie’s book before it was published to be certain that it met all appropriate legal parameters. I became so enthralled with the story and compelled by the testimony of this young lady that I almost forgot what I was charged to do.

“It seemed surreal reading an autobiography written posthumously.  Jamie clearly had a heart for sharing the gospel and even though she thought it would be in China or some other foreign land she could not have imagined that it would be to millions. In hindsight, God obviously had a plan for her life which was to know Him and the power of His resurrection.  Through the struggles and the pain of rejection and medical maladies, Jamie literally appropriated the character and the will of God into her soul.  She, and her mother, Karen, recorded the events of her life as though they were preparing for this book. As Karen compiled these journals, it also became obvious that the contemporaneous reflections of Jamie’s day to day life gave clarity and veracity to her whole story.

“This is an amazing young lady whose struggles were overcome by the goodness of her Savior.   As I read her story, I came to know and to trust the Lord more intimately myself –  as you will.   I will not feel sorry for Jamie but admire her resolute faith and purpose, not without fault or at times faltering, but she lived an exemplary life in the confidence and care of the Lord.  She, as was said of King David, “was a man (woman) who served the purposes of God in his (her) generation and then died” (Acts 13:36).

Back cover endorsement by Delmer R. Guynes, EDD, President Emeritus, Southwestern A/G University: “The story of Jamie Norton Lund is one of unselfish love for family and China.  Her dedication as a brilliant young woman to share that love with university students in China’s hinterland was passionate and complete.  She will live on in the hearts of young men and women who are destined to change the very nature of China itself.”

Purchase – “Mom, God’s Got This”

$21.95 Click here  or Amazon or B&N to purchase now.


Many of us live life inside the hamster wheel, exerting tons of energy, but going nowhere and accomplishing nothing significant.  It’s crazy, stressful, and so frustrating!  Stop spinning your wheel!  Perhaps it’s time to analyze your margins.  Marginalysis can help you reestablish healthy margins in your life and then build guardrails to protect them.  We must do the same thing with our time with God each day.  It’s that important.






$12.95  Click Here  to purchase now.


Is a daily devotional that will help you read the Bible completely through in chronological order.  You will discover the major themes of the Bible and how the Old and New Testaments intertwine.  Take charge of your spiritual growth.  Grow more in love with Jesus Christ and God’s Word every day.

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As a daily devotional, Connections highlights a portion of each day’s Scripture reading and bridges the gap between the Old and New Testament, bringing additional insight and inspiration.  This new edition includes the Bible references for each day’s reading, so you may use it alongside your current Bible without having to purchase another.  Connections will help you better understand major themes in Scripture as well as God’s character.  He is a just and righteous God, and at the same time merciful and compassionate, who loves His creation and forever pursues a close relationship with men and women created in His image.

The topical index located at the back of the book is an extra bonus to your Bible study.

Thought-provoking and encouraging, you will find Connections a supportive tool in your continuing spiritual growth.  God wants to speak to you every day, so start your twelve-month journey now!

Purchase – “Connections”

$24.95 Click Here   or Amazon or B&N to purchase now.

“Caleb’s Kite”

Caleb’s Kite is the light-hearted story of a little boy whose Mommy lives in heaven.  While adults are often busy analyzing Jesus and heaven, children simply believe and believe simply.  Is there a child in your life who has suffered the loss of someone they love? Caleb’s Kite will bring a smile to their heart – and yours too.

Oh, that grown-ups could view loss through a child’s eyes!  “You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children” (Luke 10:21).

$15.95 Click Here  to purchase now.



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